The Tender Test


When rating tenders far and wide, consistency is the key ingredient. That’s why dozens of hours and bites have gone into establishing a little something called… The Tender Test.

The scale awards up to 10 points, based on four alliterative criteria: Taste, Texture, Tenderness and The Twist. Here’s more on each:



Is the flavor heaven in your mouth, or hell on your taste buds?

Battered, baked, fried? Sweet, salty, spicy? Does it have that special zest that puts hair on your chest?



Too much? Too little? Or just right?

This is all about the feel of the breading. Whether it's crispy, crunchy, airy or flaky, let's just hope it isn't dry, rubbery and overcooked!



On a scale of 1 to Michael Bolton, can you live without the quality of this chicken?

Dedicated to the time and love devoted to serving fresh, juicy cuts of tenderness. They got that name for a reason!


The Twist

The icing on the cake, or the bruise on the banana.

This is that extra something special – or something especially lacking – about the experience. It could be a complementary side, or that special secret sauce. Maybe it's the portion size or the garnish. Perhaps, even, The Twist is that the tenders changed your life for the better.


Of course, taste and enjoyment are subjective. Some important guidelines to keep in mind:

  • The best of the best can be found in the Top Tenders section on the site menu. A Top Tender is bound to be magical, whether it’s fast food or a $100 artisanal hand-dipped golden tender. 

  • A good tender should be able to stand on its own, independent of sauces and embellishments. That doesn't mean we don't appreciate good flavor - in fact, that's where The Twist comes in!

  • All tenders aren’t created equal; these will be rated based on how they were experienced as prepared at the restaurant location on that visit.

  • You might occasionally see a return post to check out a different tender style on the menu or a limited time offering. Leave no stone unturned!
